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Flowers Blooming

“May each of us become such clear pure instruments of light of love, of presence, of clarity, of equanimity that the light of spirit pours through our every cell and everybody we meet is touched by living spirit. No matter how we meet them in whatever role in life, then wherever we look we will see flowers blooming. It’s what the sun sees when it looks down. What grace. What incredible grace.” Ram Dass

10th Radiant Body

When life doesn’t go to plan, and things don’t turn out as we imagined we tend to blame the present, we get angry, fearful, we want to control it and in turn experience frustration and feel harassed by life. We no longer feel the connection to all things, and this separation makes us project all the inner commotions onto the present. We cling to what we believe the situation should be, and struggle to let go and surrender to what is present in presence. We have invested so much of who we thought we were and to let go now, would surely mean a painful death of some part of us.


Thing is, who we think we are is not free, and who we truly are behind the beliefs is already free.


This month we reach the 10th body, the body of Radiance and Courage. There’s a sense of victory in the air with this body, as it’s the dimension where we get to experience and honour the many parts that make up the whole. The 10 is more than 9, more than the steps that it takes to go from 1-9. To be more than the parts together is also to be part that holds the whole. It is the realm in which the one becomes the many and the many becomes the one.


The Radiant body is a guide to help us access our courage to reconnect to our true nature. If we can let go of the beliefs, we can hear the crucial message that the present, our greatest ally is trying to tell us. There are no mistakes, no accidents, no coincidences, the cosmos is perfectly designed self-regulating whole, and everything is exactly as it is meant to be.


Great courage brings the will to unite with the whole, then we learn that even the hardest tests, diseases, and deaths are all God in drag. Everywhere we look, we see a mirror image of ourselves, allowing the soul to merge back into the essence, unattached to the finite and transient way of things.


When I tune into my radiance, I begin to decipher the difference between a sacrifice that produces no fruit and one that will flourish. I trust that everything I need already exists within me, I can transcend death into the light. I know that am the constituent of ten bodies, and when I spend just a few moments in tranquilly and peace, I become radiant like the sun then no matter where I look, I only see flowers blooming.

Love, Light, Laughter



Monday Meditation / 630-730pm / Online and In Person

Saturdays / 8-930 am / Online and In Person

Monthly Friday / 7-9 pm / Rebirth/ Workshops / Online and In Person

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